How To Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy

 How To Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy

Must-read all the way!  Number 4 is our favorite.

A balanced diet is crucial for dogs or any animal for that matter. It promotes the growth of cells and overall health. Unless advised otherwise by your vet, your furry friend should be able to maintain all of the nutrients they need through commercial dog food. When it comes to picking out a commercial dog food the only thing that should concern your mind is the quality. You should always read the back of the pet food nutritional facts. Reading what your pet is eating can get extremely confusing, so here is a guide that will lead you to acquire knowledge on your friend's diet, how to correct your pet's diet, and just simple facts on the nutrition of your dog.
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1. Controlling Weight Gain

Depending on the size of your dog, all dogs will need their own special nutritional value. So first and foremost, weigh your pooch! Determining your furry friend’s weight will help you more effectively regulate and control your canines food intake. Weight gain should be a big red flag for any pet owner. For example, if your weight jumped from 160-180, it would be concerning. This is the same for your pet if their weight jumps from 16-18 is it is a worry. Don’t be concerned if your friend has gained some weight, there are always beneficial steps you can take to get your dog back on the healthy track!

Top 3 Best Dog Food

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2. Skip the table scraps.

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We have all been there. Sneaking scraps under the table just to get some extra doggy kisses, or even to be the favorite parent. Regardless of what your driving factor is to feed your pet table scraps, it has to end.​ Feeding your pet table scraps can cause deficiencies in their carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water, protein and just stunts overall growth. Adding table scraps in the mix makes it incredibly hard to know what your pet is lacking. Keeping your friend's diet balanced starts with having full control of what is coming in, and unfortunately, out of your pooch. Always check their feces for parasites or any other alarming irregular signs.


Not only is exercise crucial for the human body, it works wonders for your animal. It promotes easier digestion and helps constipation. It also helps keep your pet agile and limber. Not only does it keep them young for years, it keeps them from being lonely. Loneliness doesn’t discriminate against sex, weight, height, dog, cat, or human. Your pet can​ get extremely depressed sitting at home, as would any species. A good way to find friends for your pet is to hit up your nearest dog park! Not only will your dog have a blast, you also have the opportunity to mingle with local dog owners in the area. It is super fun to set up play dates!
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4. Try not to give them too many treats and choose a diet plan you can easily regulate 

We all love praising our little babies when they do something right, or heck, even when they are just plain adorable. Moderation is the key factor in feeding your pet treats. Only feed your pet the recommended amount located on the back of the packaging. This also ties into feeding your furry friend raw food.​ The raw food diet can be very beneficial to your dog's health. There are several benefits including, shinier coat, cleaner teeth (which also means better breath!), and overall healthier appearance. The diet also gives your friend higher energy levels. Even with all of the benefits, there are a few risks you are taking feeding you pet a raw food diet. Your dog could be exposed to bacteria in raw meat like salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Bones can also be dangerous for your pet, pork bones, poultry bones or any cooked bone is highly unrecommended. These bones splinter and send shards into your poor doggies mouth, throat, and intestines. Much like a human, if you are consistent with a certain diet your body will adapt, quickly, as for your pet it is nearly the same scenario, if you have constantly given your pet a raw food diet, he or she will be more likely to have adapted to it at a young age. Same works for a commercial food diet, if it starts at an adolescent period their bodies will have already converted to that diet.

5. If you have several pets, feed separately 

Even if your dogs don’t guard, it’s best to feed them apart for many reasons: you can tell if one of your dogs is not eating; you won’t have to worry if one of your dogs eats another’s medications; your dogs won’t feel like they need to devour their food, or feel pressured by the other dog(s) the list goes on and on. Dogs automatically are born to protect, so feeding your dog around other dogs can be dangerous, not only for your pet, but for you own personal welfare.

6. Slow your furry friend down 

Regardless of their size, it’s not good for a dog to eat fast, and it can be particularly dangerous for a larger dog. Slow them down by using slow feeder bowls and/or food toys. If your dog chews on things, make sure you pick one that is hard plastic. Do you also catch your dog begging more frequently? Try breaking their meals down into smaller portions and feeding them more frequently throughout the day.

7.  Change with the seasons

If your pet doesn’t spend much time outside in the winter but spends an abundant time outside in
the summer, you should adjust their diets accordingly. A dog who is exercising frequently should
be eating an additional amount, as for the dog exercising less frequently their intake should be
much less.
Above all, we all just want to see our furry friends live their lives to the fullest, healthiest,
happiest life they can live. To help your pet promote a healthy lifestyle you can take these four
steps. Each step as equally crucial as the next. Speak to your veterinarian if you are taking prime
steps in your dog’s health and you don't see any changes or improvements.
Follow all the steps involved I sure healthy and long life from your dog and of course do not forget the routine grooming necessary.
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